Modul 5: Lehrmethoden
1. Introduction
2. Context Matters: CAP
3. What is the student's ability? CEFR and the SKOLA Score
4. Teaching a Skills Lesson ESL vs systems lesson
5. Tips for teaching young learners (learn more)
a. Connect with your students.
b. Create a comfortable learning environment.
c. Establish routines.
d. Speak slowly and enunciate words.
e. Use non-verbal communication.
f. Make things visual.
g. Check for understanding.
h. Be adaptable.
i. Create engaging lessons.
j. Introduce new vocabulary or lexis before use in lessons (for young or lower level students).
k. Practise differentiated or adaptive teaching strategies.
6. Seating Plan
7. Lesson Planning
8. Error Correction
9. Teacher Talking Time
10. Reflective Practice
11. Teaching Theory
12. Formative assessment
1. Einleitung
Der SKOLA-Ansatz zum Unterrichten. Es ist wichtig, dass jeder Lehrer den gleichen Ansatz hat. Dieser Rahmen ermöglicht Zusammenarbeit und die Verbesserung der Gesamtqualität. Innerhalb dieses Rahmens sollte der Lehrer seine individuelle Leidenschaft und sein Talent zum Ausdruck bringen.
Sicherheit steht bei allem, was wir tun, im Mittelpunkt . Die Sicherheit der Schüler und Mitarbeiter steht über allem.
Der Ansatz des Verhaltensmanagements ist der Schlüssel. Er funktioniert nur, wenn die ganze Schule auf derselben Linie ist: Konsequenz und Vorhersehbarkeit.
Da der Schwerpunkt bei SKOLA auf der Entwicklung der Kommunikationsfähigkeiten der Schüler liegt, wird guter Unterricht wahrscheinlich auf dem CLT-Ansatz basieren, auf der Verwendung sich entwickelnder Sprache , auf der Kontextualisierung des Unterrichts im Hinblick auf das Wochenthema und auf der Verknüpfung mit den Ausflügen und dem Freitagsprojekt basieren.
2. Der Kontext ist wichtig: CAP
CAP = Context, Analysis, Practice
Always set language in context. It helps motivate students to learn. It also supports memorisation.
Read more here: Anderson Thinking CAP 2017.pdf. The graphs below are taken from this article.
3. Wie gut ist der Schüler? GER und SKOLA-Score
SKOLA Points ist eine Leistungsskala von 1-100. Die Skala reicht von Anfänger- bis zu Fortgeschrittenenniveau in Englisch. Jedes Niveau hat eine niedrige, mittlere und höhere Einteilung. Unsere Lehrer überwachen die Schüler im Unterricht. Am Ende des Kurses bewerten sie die Fortschritte, die jeder Schüler seit seinem ersten Test gemacht hat.
SKOLA-Punkte in Bezug auf das Englischniveau:
Unten links in der Grafik sehen Sie den Buchstaben GER. Was ist das und was bedeutet das?
In the bottom left on the graph you can see CEFR. What is this and what does it mean?
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This is the international standard for describing language ability.
4. Lehrfähigkeiten vs. Systeme:
Das folgende Dokument behandelt die Fertigkeiten Schreiben, Sprechen, Hören und Lesen:
Eine Fertigkeitsstunde mit ESL unterrichten .
Denken Sie daran : Welche Fertigkeit UND – noch wichtiger – welche Unterfertigkeit vermitteln Sie?
Rezeptive Fähigkeiten = Lesen und Hören
Produktive Fähigkeiten = Sprechen und Schreiben
Das folgende Dokument behandelt die Systeme einer Sprache:
Denken Sie daran: Bedeutung, Verwendung, Form, Aussprache.
5. Tipps für das Unterrichten junger Lernender ( mehr erfahren )
Teaching young learners who have a limited English language understanding can feel like a daunting task.
Teaching students from an array of cultures, educational backgrounds, along with a language barrier, takes some getting used to. So here are some tips and teaching strategies for English language learners:
The Challenge:
The biggest challenges with young learners is making them feel safe in an unfamiliar environment and speaking in their L2 (English).
The meet & greet at the start of each day is key. You should greet children as they walk-in
The children should spend the first 10 minutes of the day adjusting to the environment. You could play simple vocabulary games and allow them to greet each other. This makes them feel at ease.
Brief them on the schedule of the day. It is useful to use visuals and keep the images consistent. For example, a picture of a knife, fork and plate to symbolise lunch-time.
At the end of each day (end & send), you should review the lexis and vocabulary of the day through a quiz. You could also review the previous vocabulary/ lexis at the beginning of each morning (morning quiz).
Remember to record their learning in their ‘learning journal’.
The magic word is "why". For every plan, there is always the question of why: students should use language to express ideas. This makes it necessary for them to speak English, it motivates them.
How much support do children need to experiment, observe and share?
It depends. It's all about group work and meaningful collaboration.
‘Classroom language’ is key: temples for asking questions, sharing opinions, turn-taking, agreeing and vocabulary to increase the work of others.
‘Target language’ is also key: names of objects, lexical chunks related to the topic, action verbs to describe. Visuals are also key. Learning by doing is a must.
We need it for the children to understand what they have learnt; we can understand what they have understood. But this does not have to be boring. It can be made fun through quizzes. We could also use multiple-choice questions to summarise what has been covered. It could also be used to consolidate learning.
The learning journal is key. At the end of each lesson, you could ask the children an open-question about a topic and see what they produce in their learning journal.
1. Connect with your students.
Picture this: you’re a student sitting in a class with a stranger at the front of the classroom who speaks a foreign language you can hardly understand.
It can be intimidating when the teacher launches right into their lesson without a hook.
It’s important to remember that students (especially kids) don’t learn from people they aren’t comfortable with.
Introduce yourself. Ask questions or do a get to know you activity. Get to know your students before you get started.
Learn and address your students by name, greet each student and make a genuine effort to get to know them.
Building a rapport will go a long way in creating strong relationships with your students and will help them learn better.
2. Create a comfortable learning environment.
Students need to feel safe and secure to express themselves fully.
By creating a positive learning environment, not just physically but emotionally, students will be more willing to try new things. And, more importantly, practise their English language skills.
Correct errors with compassion. Students are bound to make mistakes – that’s how they learn!
Try positive reinforcement strategies. Reward good work and effort (with praise and SKOLA awards). Positive reinforcement is a great way to make students feel safe but build a rapport.
It’s also essential to give students time to finish their work and answer questions, so be patient!
Keep in mind that students will most likely need to translate questions (in their head), formulate an answer and then translate it back to English. That whole process can take a bit of time, so it’s important to give students a chance to think it through rather than demanding a quick answer. Using teaching strategies like Think-Pair-Share will give students time to process information, answer confidently and increase participation.
3. Establish routines.
ESL students thrive with routine and structure.
Writing a daily agenda, having circle time or a sit-down activity for students when they enter the classroom will help students become familiar with their lesson plans.
Just make sure to post clear objectives. Students need to understand the purpose or end goal of the activity or lesson to comprehend the lesson’s content.
Using examples is a great way to bridge the gap between communicating objectives and student comprehension
4. Speak clearly and enunciate words.
Slow down! You’re going to want to reduce your talking speed so that everyone in the class has a chance to hear every word you say.
A lot of language learners will agree that fluent speakers speak too fast (especially if, like Connor, they come from Liverpool). It can be hard to understand the whole message when you don't catch all of it.
Try to be mindful of the speed of your voice. And try to speak as clearly as possible by enunciating your voice.
Speak louder than you usually would. It’s really important that your students can learn how to pronounce vocabulary and hear all the nuances of a word.
5. Use non-verbal communication.
Time to flex your acting chops! Get creative and use your body language to express an action during a lesson.
One trick to help students learn important grammatical rules like prepositions is to use your body as a prop when using the word. For example, you can demonstrate each preposition by acting it out. When I say “in” I act out the action of putting something in my mouth and repeat patterns. Repetition helps people remember!
Tip: the more outlandish the action, the easier it is for them to recall it later.
You may also play a game of charades with your students!
6. Make things visual.
Make learning English interesting and fun, so it’s stickier.
One way to do that is by engaging learners with visuals or props. Bring your lesson plan to life by drawing on the board or sharing pictures, videos and art.
Label everything!
Using labels on everyday classroom resources (like chairs, doors, desks, computers, pencils, etc.) will help students absorb new English vocabulary.
Also, word walls are a great way to create print-rich environments.
7. Check for understanding.
Think your students are gonna stop you in the middle of a sentence and ask for clarification when they don’t understand? Think again!
Most language learners get shy about admitting to the whole class they didn’t understand something.
You’d be surprised how many students pretend they understand when they have no idea what you’re talking about.
That’s why you should remember to pause after you say something or give instructions to check for understanding.
Ask a few more questions or explain the context a little more before you move on to make sure they took it in.
8. Be adaptable.
Teaching can be unpredictable. That’s why you’ll want to learn multiple ESL teaching methods.
It’s essential to bear in mind that lesson activities can (and will) fall flat on many occasions.
That’s why you should learn to be flexible with your lessons and prepare multiple ways to teach a specific concept in advance. Preparation is key!
Side note: The phrase, “do you understand?” should never be uttered in an ESL classroom. Students are frequently eager to please their teacher and will almost always answer this question in the affirmative.
9. Create engaging lessons.
Small practices that we, as fluent English speakers, can take for granted can make learning English a whole lot easier and more enjoyable.
Make your lessons engaging and interactive for your students.
Do everything out loud (think alouds!) and make sure to demonstrate concepts in multiple ways to increase student understanding.
Using visuals, close activities and graphic organisers can all aid ESL students in their learning.
You could teach the same concept multiple times using different strategies such as singing, videos, actions, stories, etc.
10. Introduce new vocabulary or lexis before use in lessons (for young or lower level students).
For your weekly classroom routine, create a list of words or lexis that are related to the weekly themes.
At the beginning of each morning or week, go through each word or lexis, discussing the meaning and practising its use in sentences.
Post each word for the week at the front of the classroom, along with a visual conveying meaning.
It will act as a quick point of reference and make memorising words easier.
Learning vocabulary first, freed them up to focus on the overall learning objectives of the lesson.
11. Practise differentiated or adaptive teaching strategies.
There is differentiation and adaptive teaching. Try both.
"What is the difference between differentiation and adaptive teaching?
Traditional differentiation usually refers to planning different activities for different groups or individual students, depending on their attainment levels. It also refers to the action you take to remove barriers to learning.
Adaptive teaching is where you focus on the class as a whole. Essentially, it’s the difference between delivering up to 30 lessons at once to suit each individual and teaching one lesson with scaffolding.
The idea with adaptive teaching is that teachers are able to have high expectations in their classroom, with less room for the students to ‘coast’ by tackling a ‘mild spicy’ task every lesson. It is a move away from the ‘bottom group’ always being seen as the ‘bottom group’ and being given ‘bottom group’ work.
Every student is pushed to challenge themselves. Where scaffolding is provided for students, the plan is that those students are working toward becoming fully independent learners.
How effective is adaptive teaching?
The PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) found that ‘adaptive instruction’ is an approach that correlates strongly with student performance.
The Early Career Framework, which entitles new teachers to continued training following their Initial Teacher Training, references “adaptive teaching”, moving away from the term “differentiation” altogether, which is an important distinction."
See the full article here: differentiation vs adaptive teaching.
Read more about adaptive teaching:
Read more about differentiation here:
6. Sitzplan
Die drei Elemente eines guten Sitzplans:
Sprecher der Erstsprache (L1) werden getrennt
Die Tische sind nach der Unterrichtsmethode angeordnet
Namensschilder auf den Tischen (bevor die Schüler den Klassenraum betreten)
Mehr zur Bedeutung von Sitzplänen können Sie hier lesen, mehr dazu finden Sie hier .
7. Unterrichtsplanung
Every lesson should have:
Lesson objective (what I will learn)
By the end of this lesson, I will be able to understand and use a preposition.
Success criteria (features and measurement of me achieving the lesson object):
I can describe what a preposition is.
I can identify a preposition in a sentence.
I can sort prepositions into categories of time, place and cause.
I can use a preposition in one of my own sentences
You should aim for SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
Individual Lesson Plans vs Unit Lesson planning
5 stages of a perfect SKOLA Lesson: hook, pre-test, teach, check, transfer
This is based on the theory of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy (learn more here) and the theory of memory.
1). Hook - catch their curiosity, contextualise learning
First, the hook. This should catch the curiosity of students and set the context, so they want to learn more. It motivations them, activates their long-term memory and contextualises the lesson. Authentic text should be used. For example, a movie trailer, an interesting newspaper headline, a picture of you on holiday or music. The hook should be linked to the rest of the lesson.
2). Pre-test - understand what they need to learn
This is where you estimate the students' knowledge for the lesson topic. This information means you can adjust the lesson to your students needs.
The pre-test depends on the level of the students but you can elicit answers from students of all abilities. It is best practice to use think-pair-share and use open-questions when eliciting any question.
You should note down any emergent language on the white-board or smart-board, and explore this language if you see fit. Here are some examples of when and how to do so.
3). Teach (input)
Teachers have different teaching styles, with unique strengths and weaknesses but here are some elements that every teacher at Skola should use:
Provide models. This sets the expectation and allows students to reflect on the gap between their work and the expert model. The expert could be you. For example, you could provide a written revision that you wrote. Alternatively, you can also model the writing process during the class and then provide the finished model.
Equal opportunity for questioning (random questioning). This is also called hands down. You 'randomly' select students for questions. So every student has been asked at least one question by the end of the lesson. You can write students' names on matchsticks and pull them from a pot, then ask that person a question.
Visual, visual, visual. It's the reason we have screens and white boards in the classroom. Don't just say it - show it. For example, when explaining tenses - use a timeline.
Use Authentic text. Use real material, real images, the staff we see, hear and use everyday. For example, if you want to teach the students decoding listening skills then why not use one your favourite (child-friendly) songs and decode that?
Use think, pair, share. It takes a person at least 30 seconds to think of a response. Also, sociocultural theory suggests we learn best through working with others, such as our classmates. It also gives every student the opportunity to speak and it's more fun!
4). Check (or test stage)
This is where you check the students' understanding of your input. Here are some assignment ideas:
Observation: This is a simple way to check students' understanding during class activities. By observing students during your presentation or when working on an activity, you can see how well they understand the material and where they may need additional support.
Self-Assessment: An effective way to make students take ownership of their learning is by having them self assess the understanding of the material covered in class, that may come in form of short quizzes or reflection papers or a check-list.
Quizzes and tests can include multiple-choice, true/false, and open-ended questions.
5). Transfer (apply)
In this stage, students should apply their knowledge to a real-life situation. This could be on school trips or it may be through role-play, presentations or creating something. Don't be afraid to experiment and be creative. Being adventurous is one of our values.
Don't be afraid of not finishing the task within the lesson time. Interrupting the task because of break, lunch or another natural reason could benefit the students. The Zeigarnik effect suggests students can recall information better from an interrupted task compared to a completed task. But remember to allow students to apply their knowledge later, in or outside of the classroom.
8. Fehlerbehebung
1. Seien Sie positiv
Beim Feedback geht es nicht nur darum, auf Fehler hinzuweisen, sondern auch darum, natürliche Sprache zu loben. Da wir so sehr darauf konzentriert sind, unsere Schüler zu korrigieren, können wir vergessen, zu bemerken, wenn sie gute Sprache produzieren. Wenn Sie immer nur auf das Negative hinweisen, werden Ihre Schüler bald jedes Mal, wenn Sie den Mund aufmachen, Angst bekommen, weil sie überzeugt sind, dass sie einen Fehler gemacht haben.
2. Mischen Sie es
Geben Sie Feedback nicht immer auf die gleiche Art und Weise. Das wird schnell vorhersehbar und kann Ihre Schüler von der Teilnahme abhalten, wenn sie Korrekturen vorhersehen. Geben Sie stattdessen manchmal sofortiges Feedback und manchmal verzögerte Korrekturen.
3. Machen Sie keine große Sache daraus
Wenn Sie einer Person und ihren Fehlern zu viel Aufmerksamkeit schenken, führt das nur dazu, dass diese Person nie wieder Englisch sprechen möchte. Ihre Schüler werden Fehler machen und wenn Sie einen Weg finden, sie auf ihre Fehler aufmerksam zu machen, ohne dass sich jemand in Verlegenheit bringt, dann haben Sie gewonnen.
4. Machen Sie es unterhaltsam
Feedback zu geben ist wichtig – sogar unerlässlich –, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass es langweilig sein muss. Verwenden Sie Aktivitäten und Spiele, um Ihre Schüler in den Feedback-Prozess einzubeziehen und ihn so interaktiv und interessant zu gestalten. Feedback auf unterhaltsame Weise zu geben, verstärkt auch die Vorstellung, dass es in Ordnung ist, Fehler zu machen und dass man vor Feedback keine Angst haben muss. Dies trägt auch dazu bei, dass die Atmosphäre im Klassenzimmer entspannt bleibt, sodass sich Ihre Schüler wohl fühlen, wenn sie am Unterricht teilnehmen.
5. Beziehen Sie alle mit ein
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Feedback sich an alle Ihre Schüler richtet und nicht nur an die lautesten oder kommunikativsten. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie allen Schülern gleichermaßen Aufmerksamkeit schenken und dass alle die gleichen Möglichkeiten haben, Sprache zu produzieren.
Feedback zu geben ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des EFL-Unterrichts. Wenn es richtig gemacht wird, kann es ein sehr wirksames Mittel sein, um Ihre Schüler auf ihrem Lernweg zu unterstützen.
Weiterlesen: Blog des British Council zur Fehlerkorrektur
9. Redezeit des Lehrers
There is teacher talking time (TTT) that can benefit students in the form of teacher demonstrations, conveying meaning and telling anecdotes. Still, the thing with unhelpful teacher talk is that it can leak out in many small, often unnoticed, ways. When added up, these leaks can diminish the quality of the learning experience, giving students less breathing space to practise the language in the classroom. And it’s not only new teachers who have this tendency. All language teachers can get into the habit of talking too much in lessons, particularly in the following four ways.
1. Repeating instructions
There are naturally very good intentions behind repeating instructions but students can get used to teachers repeating themselves and may start switching off. For example:
'Read out the cards , don’t show each other and then, if they go together, sit down. So these cards belong together, so this person needs to find this person and they need to sit down together ... . I’d like you to read it to other people in the class. Remember: no showing, and when you think you’ve found your new partner, sit down together, OK?'
A way to counter this is in the form of instruction-checking questions:
- 'Do you show your partner your card?' (No).
- 'What happens when you find your partner?' (Sit down together).
Here’s another example of unnecessary repetition:
'Stand up. If you could all stand up ... Yes, stand up'
Probably the more times the teacher says this, the less impact it has. Wouldn’t one ‘stand up everyone’ and some gestures carry more weight?
2. Saying much more than the students when receiving a contribution
Here is an example of teacher getting an answer to a question and then saying too much:
Student: (quietly) 'Ten years ago'
Teacher: 'Would you like to tell everyone the answer you were thinking of again because I don’t think they heard it when you spoke so quietly and I’m sure we’d all be interested in hearing it if you could, please?'
In the following example, the teacher is at the board and trying to clarify some language:
Student: 'I’ve lived here for ten years.'
Teacher: 'Well, that wasn’t really what I was hoping you’d say when I asked that question. I was actually looking for the name of the verb tense, not an example sentence. But what you gave me was fine. Only, does anyone, I wonder, have the answer I’m looking for?'
In this first case, the word ‘louder’ with a smile and a gesture will work well. In the second, you can probably think of a way to say less. A good rule of thumb might be to say half as much as the students, at a maximum.
3. Asking lengthy questions
This is an example from an open class discussion:
Teacher: 'If I were to ask you for your opinion on the topic of genetically modified food, what do you think you might say to me in reply to that?'
Again, this may be a well-intentioned way to appear tentative and thus polite. However, the possible benefit of this approach is outweighed by the confusion it may cause the student. A shorter, more direct version of this question probably comes to mind.
4. Echoing what students have just said in answer to a question
In this case, the teacher is getting contributions in open class after students have talked about favourite holiday activities in pairs:
Student: (giving their opinion) 'I like going to the beach, because it is fun.'
Teacher: 'OK, so you like going to the beach, because it is fun. Right, good.'
And here's another example of open-class feedback, but on this occasion, the answers to a reading task are being checked.
Student: 'The answer is 'False'.'
Teacher: 'False. That’s right. False. Good.'
In both these cases, there is little reason to echo the student's answer if everyone in the class has clearly heard it. If they haven’t heard it, try ‘louder’. If you are not sure if another student has heard the answer, you can say ‘Tim, did you hear that?’ All of these prompts will send the message that it is not just for the teacher to hear, but for everyone.
There are times when other types of repetition do make sense, such as when reformulating an answer. An example of this is if the student says ‘I like go to the beach because is fun’. Repeating a correct version of this could be a gentle form of correction. Reformulation is conversational without breaking the flow -- you can lean on certain parts of the sentence with your voice and use meaningful facial expressions to signal that you are making corrections in a subtle yet clear way.
Summing up
Each of these four examples of unnecessary TTT turn up even in the best of lessons from time to time. Occasionally we can feel ourselves justifying our need for TTT as we return (unconsciously perhaps) to the belief that ‘the teacher who talks a lot is teaching a lot’. But on reflection, we can see that much of it may be motivated by the reassuring sound of our own voice, or clinging to the spotlight of attention. We may even justify TTT as a way of exposing students to useful language, forgetting what a deluge of words it often sounds like to students.
The first step to reducing TTT is simply to be aware of it. But once you become more aware, don't be too self-critical. Simply noticing the tendency and stopping it in its tracks earlier and earlier without self-reproach is a sensible path to follow. The result will be a classroom with more silent space in which students’ voices can flourish.
10. Reflektierte Praxis
…to have phronêsis (practical virtue), one must reflect on their actions and opinions (Kraut, 2012; Rowlands, 2012). Similarly, (Bolton, 2010) defines reflectivity as questioning the influences of your everyday actions, particularly your practical values and theories. Moreover, (Quinn and Vorster, 2016) stated that it is essential for an individual to understand their reality and to have self-awareness and the confidence to express their values, beliefs and opinions.
Consistent focus is key to reflective practice (Bugg and Dewey, 1934). Moon (2007) suggests no one can force you to reflect. Therefore, it is the teachers responsibility to create more consistently by allocating more time to reflect.
However, a lack of motivation (Otienoh, 2009) often creates a lack of focus, as critical reflection is both complicated and challenging (Scharmer, 2018; Hassan, Robani and Bokhari, 2015).
Reciprocal Relationship:
Readiness to be open, self-aware and conscious of own practice
Recalling a critical incident accurately as part of own practice
Recognising personal views, biases, assumptions, understandings, (stand back, after and during) (on, in)
Reflecting from a child's / another person's perspective. What are their feelings? How do you know?
Reviewing together comparing own understandings
Relating to reading/research
Reappraising the relevance and implications for own practice
Responding with appropriate changes
Remembering the benefits so critical reflection is sustainable.....
This model can offer you a consistent focus to critically analyse your experiences, and help you understand some of your blind-spots, particularly the point of ‘reviewing together’ and ‘reflecting from another child’s / another persons’ perspective (Scharmer, 2018; Scharmer, 2009). Also, ‘readiness to be open’ to the feedback from other perspectives is a core part of critical reflection, as being able to view a situation from different lenses allows a greater understanding, or wisdom as Confucius would have said, of a given situation (Ndebele, 2014; Brookfield, 2017).
Read more:
McLeod, N. (2015) Reflecting on reflection: improving teachers’ readiness to facilitate participatory learning with young children, Professional Development in Education, v. 41(2) p. 254-272.
Moon, J. (2007). Critical Thinking: An Exploration of Theory and Practice. Routledge.
Moss, P. (2010). We cannot continue as we are: The educator in an education for survival. Contemporary issues in early childhood. [Online]. Available at:
11. Lehrtheorie
Communicative Approach (link)
The communicative approach draws on a set of key principles/tenets. These include:
1. The purpose of learning a language is to communicate
2. The situation in which we communicate (where we are, the relationship between
speakers and the outcome that we intend) dictates our language choices.
3. Learners need the opportunity to improvise in these situations in order to notice gaps
in their own language use
4. Learners need multiple exposure to and interaction with these situations in order to
notice when and how language is used and refine their understanding of
grammar/patterns/lexis/functional language.
5. Learners process information on a deeper level when they engage in critical thinking
and work out language use for themselves and in collaboration with their peers
6. Learners need the opportunity to explore and consolidate language in use through
meaningful tasks with a clear communicative purpose and non-linguistic outcome.
7. Learning a language (like any other skill) is a process of trial and error so we give
learners tasks and provide them with feedback on the language they used
8. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are integrated to reflect real life
9. Motivation is key to learning so lessons are designed to tap into learner needs,
interests and learning preferences
10. Effective teaching is dialogic (interactive) rather than transmissive (lecture style)
and occurs in feedback stages in response to learner performance on tasks.
It might be interesting at this point to look back at your experiences learning a
language/languages and evaluate to what extent the lessons you had were communicative.
What principles set out above were evident in your lessons, which ones were missing and
what (if any) was the impact of this on your learning?
The communicative approach, is in fact, quite a broad church and within it there are many
methods, procedures, tasks and techniques you can use. Here we have contrasted the
approach with the traditional approach to teaching Latin in order to shed some light on how
language classrooms have changed and why the communicative approach developed.
However, we must be careful not to be dogmatic about our choice of approach. How we
choose to teach language will depend not only on what we know about effective language
learning, but also on the cultural context in which we teach and on the end goals of our
learners. You would not necessarily choose a communicative approach, for example, with a
group of Chinese 16 year old secondary school pupils who need to pass a grammar-based test
and expect teacher-led instruction. We should, therefore, choose our methodology
appropriately according to the learning context.
If, however, the end goal of our learners is to communicate, then as Thornbury says in his
blog an A-Z of ELT “there seems to be a good case for arguing that only life-like language use can tap into the cognitive and affective factors that both motivate and nurture language acquisition.”
Brown, H.D. (2007). Principles of language learning and teaching. Pearson Longman.
Thornbury, S. Retrieved 28/12/2018
Communicative Language Teaching: Jeremy Harmer and Scott Thornbury | The New School
‘…the only thing about Dogme is that Dogme just gave a label to something that people did anyway but in a sense it validated it and that’s all…’ (Thornbury, 2012). In that case, do many teachers have these “Dogme moments” without labeling them as such and if so, is Harmer correct in saying that ‘…it’s not Dogme, it’s just teaching, what teachers do, what teachers have always done’ (2012)?
Dogme is a communicative approach to language teaching that was initiated by Scott Thornbury in his article, “A Dogma for EFL”. Dogme advocates a kind of teaching that doesn’t rely on published textbooks but relies on conversational communication that occurs in the classroom between teachers and students. The name of the approach comes from an analogy to the Danish Dogme 95 film movement which intended to “cleans cinema of an obsessive concern for technique and rehabilitate cinema which foregrounded the story and the inner life of characters.” According to Scott Thornbury,
teaching should be done using only the resources that the teachers and students bring to the classroom – i.e themselves and whatever happens to be in the classroom.
Key features of dogme
As an approach dogme has well grounded principles in language learning and learning theories as explained by Scott Thornbury. He explains that dogme considers
learning as experiential and holistic,
and language learning as an emergent jointly-constructed and socially-constituted process motivated both by communal and communicative imperatives.
Key features of dogme include the following:
Dogme has its roots in communicative language teaching
Conversation is seen as central to language learning.
Dogme also places more emphasis on a discourse-level (rather than sentence-level) approach to language.
Dogme considers that the learning of a skill is co-constructed within the interaction between the learner and the teacher.
The Dogme approach considers that student-produced material is preferable to published materials and textbooks, to the extent of inviting teachers to take a ‘vow of chastity’ and not use textbooks
Like task-based approach, dogme considers language learning to be a process where language emerges rather than one where it is acquired.
Scaffolded learning where learning is assisted by the teacher through conversations makes it possible for effective learning to take place.
The teacher’s role is to optimise language learning affordances, the environment where learners can potentially learn and direct their attention to emergent language.
The learner's voice, beliefs and knowledge are accepted.
Dogme can be a real challenge for teachers in low resource contexts
Many teachers question the appropriateness of dogme in situations where students are preparing for examinations that have specific syllabi.
Dogme creates problems for non-native and novice teachers who find in textbooks a safe guide.
The initial call for a “vow of chastity” not to use textbooks is seen as unnecessarily purist and hinders the adoption of a weaker version of dogme.
Dogme is compatible with reflective teaching.
More freedom for teachers and students to conceptualise and implement more appropriate material.
Students are most engaged by content they have created themselves
Dogme has the merit of creating a low-affective filter environment in the classroom.
learners follow their own pace of learning assisted by the teacher through scaffolding.
Learning is humanised through a radical pedagogy of dialogue.
Learners are freed from the ideological load inherent in textbooks generally published in the west and commercialised all over the world.
Dogme recognizes the legitimacy of learners' needs and expectations.
Dogme gives teachers and learners the possibility to free themselves from the models of teaching and learning imposed by textbook writers.
Conversations provide the opportunity for learners to analyse, internalise, and practice language.
Communication is central in the dogme approach.
Learn more about Dogme: Is Dogme the same as winging it?
12. Formative Beurteilung (Assessment for Learning, AfL)
Beurteilung des Lernerfolgs (formative Beurteilung)
SKOLA ist sich der Bedeutung formativer Beurteilungen und ihrer Beziehung zu qualitativ hochwertigem Lehren und Lernen bewusst.
Formative Beurteilung ist (Broadfoot et al., 1999):
Den Studierenden wirksames Feedback geben
Aktive Einbindung der Schüler in ihren eigenen Lernprozess
Anpassung des Unterrichts an die Prüfungsergebnisse
Erkennen des tiefgreifenden Einflusses der Leistungsbeurteilung auf die Motivation und das Selbstwertgefühl der Schüler, die beide entscheidende Einflüsse auf das Lernen haben
Die Schüler müssen in der Lage sein, sich selbst einzuschätzen und zu verstehen, wie sie sich verbessern können
Hier sind einige Techniken zur formativen Beurteilung ( Link ).
Je kürzer die Bewertungs-Interpretations-Aktion, desto größer ist der Einfluss auf den Lernerfolg der Schüler (Wiliam, 2016)
Den größten Einfluss hat der Kurzzyklus.
Die fünf Schlüsselstrategien der formativen Beurteilung (SKOLA AfL)
(leahy, Lyon, Thompson & Wilian, 2005)
Klärung, Austausch und Verständnis der Lernziele und Erfolgskriterien mit den Schülern
Nachweis des Lernfortschritts erbringen
Geben Sie Feedback, das das Lernen voranbringt
Aktivierung der Lernenden als gegenseitige Lernressourcen
Lernende als Verantwortliche für ihr eigenes Lernen aktivieren
13. Papierkram für Lehrer
Klassenregister: Diese müssen zu Beginn jeder Unterrichtsstunde , insbesondere gleich morgens, kontrolliert werden. Tragen Sie P für anwesende Schüler und A für abwesende Schüler ein; lassen Sie KEIN Feld leer, wenn ein Schüler nicht in Ihrem Klassenzimmer ist! Tragen Sie stattdessen A ein, bis er/sie kommt; ändern Sie es dann in P. Bitte markieren Sie verspätete Schüler mit L. Das Klassenregister enthält auch Informationen darüber, welche Schüler am Freitag abreisen. Aktualisieren Sie das Register online. Wenn das Internet ausgefallen ist, füllen Sie das manuelle Formular aus.
Individueller Unterrichtsplan: für beobachteten Unterricht (informell und formell).
Reisereflexion: Sie müssen über die durchgeführte Exkursion nachdenken und das Reisereflexionsformular ausfüllen, in dem Sie Feedback zum Verlauf der Exkursion, zum Veranstaltungsort, zum Engagement der Schüler usw. geben. Füllen Sie Ihre Reflexionen bis zum Ende des Dienstags und Donnerstags mithilfe dieses Dokuments aus: Reisereflexionsformular
Abschlusszeugnisse: Für Studierende, die an einem Freitag abgehen, müssen Sie die Zeugnisse ausfüllen und bis spätestens Mittwochabend beim DoS einreichen.
Wochenplaner: Du musst einen Gesamtüberblick über deinen Unterricht für die ganze Woche erstellen und dabei sicherstellen, dass die einzelnen Unterrichtseinheiten miteinander, mit dem Wochenthema, den Ausflügen sowie den Nachmittagsclubs verknüpft sind. Speichere deine Planer bis Ende Freitag hier: Wochenplaner. Das DoS wird dir ggf. Feedback dazu geben.
Wöchentlicher Fortschritts- und Abschlusstest: Sie müssen einen wöchentlichen schriftlichen oder mündlichen Fortschrittstest sowie einen schriftlichen Abschlusstest (nur für die Studenten, die am Freitag abreisen) entwerfen, durchführen und benoten. Die Ergebnisse müssen im Register und in den Tutorienformularen der Studenten festgehalten werden. Sie müssen den Studenten auch Feedback zu ihren Testleistungen geben. Speichern Sie Ihre Tests bis Ende Donnerstag hier: Wöchentliche Fortschrittstests und hier: Abschlusstests. DoS wird Ihnen gegebenenfalls Feedback dazu geben.
Wöchentliche Reflexion: Sie müssen über Ihren Unterricht in der vergangenen Woche nachdenken und das Dokument ausfüllen. Verwenden Sie diese Reflexion auch, um den Unterricht für die kommende Woche zu planen. Speichern Sie Ihre Reflexionen bis Freitagabend hier: Wöchentliche Reflexionen DoS gibt Ihnen gegebenenfalls Feedback dazu.
Abschlussberichte von Studierenden: Die Berichte von Studierenden, die den Kurs verlassen, müssen bis Ende Donnerstag hier gespeichert werden: Abschlussberichte . DoS wird Ihnen ggf. Feedback dazu geben. Die Richtlinien zum Schreiben von Berichten finden Sie hier: Richtlinien zum Schreiben von Berichtskommentaren
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