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全日制課程每位學生每天£69 ,包括15個小時的英語,然後在學年裡講6個小時的英語,或者在暑假期間講6個小時的體育和活動,外加兩次發現倫敦的遊覽。如果您選擇星期六,我們也可以安排全天遊覽。

半天課程每位學生每天£44 ,包括週一至週五9:00-12:20的15小時英語學習。您可以每天支付7英鎊添加午餐,還可以免費創建自己的遊覽計劃並提供自己的住宿。




  • 送貨上門的校門服務

  • 21小時的英語課

  • 在餐廳監督午餐。

  • 倫敦2個半日遊





  • 送貨上門的校門服務

  • 15小時的英語課

  • 3個下午的運動,活動和慶祝活動

  • 在學校吃午餐

  • 倫敦2個半日遊

  • 星期六全天發現英格蘭短途旅行



Nutford House

Our residence is in Nutford House, part of the University of London. In the summer it is available for groups. It is a mixed-age site. SKOLA occupies half a floor, accessed from a central stairwell. Access to our rooms is through a signed door, through which only SKOLA staff and students may enter. Students have their own single room, with a desk, light, and storage. They use gender-specific shared bathroom facilities, in a ratio of 3:1. There is WiFi provision and students are encouraged to engage with each other and keep in touch with home via messaging and social media platforms. The head of residence will
communicate with the school staff and parents regarding any issues or problems faced in the residence.

A Typical Day
Students leave Nutford House at 8:30 am each day to follow the course at SKOLA Regent’s Park. It is a 20-minute walk through historic Marylebone. The course finishes at 4:30 pm, but residential students stay for after-school activities and dinner. They leave SKOLA Regent’s Park at 7:00 pm, returning to the residence at 7:30 pm where they can shower, relax, and socialise in their rooms and the common rooms and gardens. They can visit local supermarkets with staff. Lights out at 10:00 am.


Supervision and Support
The residence is controlled by a head of residence, who acts in loco parentis. They are supported by a team of SKOLA teachers and activities leaders who work at SKOLA Regent’s Park, the location of the summer school. We have an 8:1 student-staff supervision ratio in the residence. All staff and students have an induction. Staff are trained and reviewed by the head of residence.  We check how students are in the residence with formal feedback
and informal meetings. 


Our Three Rules
At SKOLA, we want our students to be Ready, Kind, and Safe. These school rules also apply to our residence, as follows, by way of example.



  1. Staff are ready to support students in the residence with excellent pastoral support and provide students with a range of activities to help develop the cultural, social, and personal development of the students

  2. Students should have comfortable single rooms to rest and sleep well so they are ready for the day ahead

  3. Students should be able to study in their rooms and have opportunities to socialise with other SKOLA students when ready.



  1. Staff are kind to students, creating an open and trusting atmosphere

  2. Students have a right to privacy when required, and should abide by the 10:00 pm lights-out rule so everyone can sleep well

  3. Students and staff should be shown respect for who they are as individuals, and be able to work, play, and relax without prejudice, discrimination, abuse, intimidation, harassment, or bullying.



  1. Staff and students should have a safe, healthy environment free from dangers and hazards

  2. Students will know who to turn to at difficult times

  3. Students will walk to school in pairs and in groups, crossing at zebra crossings following staff instructions at all times.

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