Email Disclaimer
Confidentiality Notice
This email is confidential and is for the intended recipient only. It may also contain privileged information and so be exempt from disclosure. Only the intended recipient is authorised to read, copy, retain, disclose or disseminate this transmission (or any copy thereof) and or rely upon its contents. If you are not the intended recipient please delete the email and please telephone the school immediately.
Nothing said in this email transmission is intended to bind SKOLA unless and until the relevant school and the intended recipient sign a legally binding contract in accordance with the school’s written contract and standard terms & conditions, copies of which can be obtained on request from the school.
Further, any view or representation made in this email transmission are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the school(s) concerned. If the intended recipient wishes clarification on any of the matters set out in the email transmission then they should immediately contact the relevant school to obtain such clarification. The school will not be held responsible for any view or representation made in the email transmission unless and until such clarification is sought and obtained.
Viruses & System compatibility
This email and any attachments are believed to be free from any viruses or defects but it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure this. It is the recipient’s responsibility to ensure the compatibility of this email and any attachments with any software or system used by the recipient.